in 1979, PT Jaya Real Property Tbk is now one of the country's leading property
developers, with a diverse portfolio of residential and commercial developments
in South, West and Central Jakarta. The Company's core business is developing
integrated, sustainable communities with a broad product mix to serve
customer's needs across a wide range of price segments. From the sourcing of
land through the design, construction and selling of houses, the Company is
strongly committed to maximizing value for our stakeholders. The Company's
flagship site, Bintaro Jaya, is a self-contained 2,000 hectare community that
offers a diverse range of residential and commercial properties, supported by
high quality educational, recreational and health care facilities and excellent
transportation links to all parts of Jabodetabek. Health Care features provide
clean air and healthy water. Along with the company business development, we
need young professionals for these following positions
Advocate Legal Officer –
- Serve, handle, and manage all aspects of the law relating to the lease agreement, renewal /licensing the manufacture.
- Drafting and reviewing company operational documents.
- Having good communication and negotiation skill
- Having Lawyer Certificate (PKPA / PERADI)
- Bachelor's Degree, Law or equivalent with minimum. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00.
- Max. age 35 years old having 2 years experience in related position would be advantage
- Placement : Bintaro Jaya - Tangerang Selatan
Should you meet the qualifications,
please submit your application letter and CV with the position code as subject
Perihal: Kepada Yth,
ReplyDeletePT/CV. CONTRAKTOR, CONSTRUKSI,SUPPLIER & MIGAS ( BUMN/SWASTA )Up : Direktur / Bag. Keuangan/HRD/FINANCEPerihal: Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi dan Surety Bond Tanpa Agunan Non CollateralDengan Hormat,
Salam hangat dari PT. MITRA KAUR PERMAI (Consultant Bank Garansi Dan Asuransi)
Perkenankan kami untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan kami ,PT.MITRA KAUR PERMAI.
Dimana kami telah di back up beberapa perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian Swasta Nasional Maupun BUMN serta Perusahaan kami telah ditunjuk untuk memasarkan bank garansi yang terbitkan oleh Bank diantaranya :BANK BNI , BRI , BCA , BII , EXIM , MANDIRI , BTN , SINARMAS , MUTIARA , AGRA , KALTIM , SUMSEL , BUMIPUTERA , serta bank dan Asuransi Penerbit lainnya.
Bank Garansi & Surety Bond yang kami terbitkan diterima di instansi pemerintah, maupun Swasta, (BUMN, BUMD, KPS, PERTAMINA, VICO, CNOOC, MABES TNI, MABES POLRI, TOTAL E & P INDONESIA), Pada kesempatan ini kami bermaksud untuk Menawarkan Penerbitan Jaminan Peng-Coveran Asuransi & Bank Garansi Tanpa Agunan ( Non Collateral), Proses Cepat dan Biaya Kompetitif Murah serta polis kami antar. Adapun jenis jaminan yang kami tawarkan yaitu :Jasa General Insurance Bank Garansi Dan Asuransi Yang Kami Tawarkan Diantaranya :1.Jaminan Penawaran / Bid( Tender) Bond.
2.Jaminan Pelaksanaan / Performance Bond.
3.Jaminan Uang Muka/ Advance Payment Bond
4.Jaminan Pemeliharaan / Maintenance Bond.
5.Jaminan Pembayaran / Payment Bond
6.SP2D Akhir TahunBeberapa Jenis Asuransi Kerugian Umum :1. Contractor all risk (CAR)
2. Conprenshive general liability ( CGL)
3. Workman compensation liability (WCL)
4. Automobile liability (AL)
5. Custom bond
6. Property all risk (PAR)
7. Erection all risk ( EAR)
8. Marine hull insurance (MH)
9. Cargo
10. Surat Dukungan Bank
11. LC
dan Jaminan Lainnya. Besar harapan kami kiranya perusahaan kami diberikan kesempatan dan kepercayaan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan perusahaan bapak/ibu kelola terutama dalam hal perlindungan terhadap resiko (Wan Prestasi) baik itu proyek yang sedang berjalan / akan dilaksanakan maupun proyek yang sudah berjalan kami memberikan prosedur yang relative mudah yaitu proses cepat serta jaminan polis siap di antar.Demikianlah penawaran dari kami, semoga ini merupakan awal kerjasama yang baik dan berkesinambungan dimasa yang akan datang,atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.Hormat Saya
Devisi Penjamin
PT. MITRA KAUR PERMAI(Insurance – Bank Guarantee & Surety Bond) Jl.Pulo Asem Timur 4 No.31, pulo gadung - Jakarta Timur)Telp : 021-4754596 (Huanting)
Fax : 021-4754327
Hp/Wa : 0813-8571-2097
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