Friday, 4 July 2014

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

Holcim is a pioneer and an innovator in Indonesia's fast-developing cement sector, as the market for homes, commercial buildings and infrastructure expands. We are the only provider of a fully integrated range of 10 cement types, concrete and aggregates. We are building a unique franchise, Solusi Rumah, to deliver complete, affordable housing solutions and upgrades, drawing on the skills of over 49,000 Holcim-trained masons, 437 franchisees as of 2013 and a growing telesales presence. Our products are sold in more than 8,000 retail stores across Indonesia. Holcim Beton was first to market with SpeedCrete®, a fast-setting concrete that slashes time on repair work to roads and developments, while our MiniMix phone service allows same-day ready-mixed concrete delivery; we were also first with mobile concrete batching plants.

PT Pertamina (persero)

Pertamina is looking for talented individuals and potentially capable of reflecting our values to be part of the team that accelerate the achievement of the vision of Pertamina oil and gas company: becoming a world-class national. Develop your ideas, creativity and innovation as the solution in order to improve the quality of operational and business development. Find a variety of jobs and tasks that are challenging and a wide selection of work. You will work closely with colleagues from a variety of backgrounds, professions and cultures. Discover valuable experience and feel how it all the way to develop your skills and competencies.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional

PT. Bank Artha Graha Internasional, Tbk. domiciled in South Jakarta, originally established under the name PT Inter-Pacific Financial Corporation based on Deed No. 12 dated 7 September 1973, drawn up before Bagijo, S.H., substitute for Eliza Pondaag, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, as nonbanking financial institution, which Deed was approved by the Minister of Justice as per his Decree No. Y.A.5/2/12 dated 3 January 1975, and announced in the State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 6 dated 21 January 1975 Supplement No. 47. On 10 July 1990, PT Inter-Pacific Financial Corporation listed its shares at the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange. Based on Deed No. 67 dated 19 May 1992, drawn up before Adam Kasdarmadji, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, and announced in the State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 10 dated 2 February 1993 Supplement No. 591, PT. Inter-Pacific Financial Corporation changed its name to PT Inter-Pacific Bank. On 24 February 1993, PT Inter-Pacific Bank obtained the business license as commercial bank under the Decree of Minister of Finance of Republic of Indonesia No. 176/KMK.017/1993. PT. Bank Artha Graha Internasional, Tbk. is committed to be a leading financial institution and always provides the best by giving excellent service as a form of concern towards humanitarian, social and culture.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

PT Wika Beton

PT Wijaya Karya Beton (WIKA BETON) ,as one of subsidiaries of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero),Tbk (WIKA), is part of corporate expansion that specializes in precast concrete  industry. WIKA started to concentrate on the pre-cast concrete industry in 1977 by developing pre-cast concrete panel for low-rise housing projects. Ever since, WIKA is determined to keep developing their products in order to anticipate the development plan and emerging infrastructure projects. The product development has created these outcomes : pre-stressed concrete poles for power distribution lines and PC piles, then followed by other products, for instance, concrete open channels, concrete railways sleepers, bridges girders, sheet piles, pipes, platform slabs and building components which have been implemented in various range of projects. Those products emerged in the right timing and succeeded to become leading products in the market.


SUDARGO & PONDAAG Law Firm (abbreviated S & P Law Firm thereafter) is a law firm founded at the turn of the 21st century. At this point in time, the world in which organizations exist is in great changes and variations well beyond human imagining. In Indonesia, a sweeping reform on the law concerning corporate, banking, capital market, and taxation is well underway. Regulations to which business organizations are subjects are Obviously, for executives and leaders in the country the biggest challenge there is how to maintain stability in their organizations and, at the same time, to provide quick adaptation to outside forces. Thereby, management must have not only a sophisticated intelligence network available to monitor a whole variety of these changes, but also must be well prepared for quick adaptations to them. S & P Law Firm accordingly was established distinctively as a problem-solving oriented law firm aiming to provide business organizations in Indonesia with uncompromising quality legal services.  At S & P Law Firm, lawyers strive to learn and adopt whatever problem-solving techniques appear helpful to address the legal questions encountering the enterprise in the fast changing business environment.  For our mission is to serve corporate and financial institutions operating in the country with adequate legal solutions.

Posco E&C Indonesia

POSCO E&C is a general construction company established in December 1994, aiming for a global engineering & construction company based on expert engineering technologies, know-hows, and man powers with skills and experiences from the integrated steelworks of POSCO which has one of the world-wide competitiveness in ironworks. From its strategic business planning to design, construction and test-run, POSCO E&C not only has been implementing a series of projects, but also has earned trust from its customers in diverse industries including plant construction for steel plant, environmental plant, power plant, new city development & architecture, social overhead capital (SOC) and skyscrapers. POSCO E&C INDONESIA ( is a global Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Company from Korea which is based on experts in engineering technology, know-how, and man power which has one of the world-wide competitiveness.  We, PT. POSCO E & C INDONESIA, are expanding our business in Indonesia from Power Plant to Steel Mill & Industrial Plant, Civil & Environment, Architecture and Real Estate Development. Currently we are challenge energetic and dynamic candidates to join and write a story in Indonesia as:

PT MNI Global

PT MNI GLOBAL, Head Office at HIGH END Building 4th floor. Menara Kebon Sirih No. 17 – 19. Jakarta Pusat. One company engages in print media business that has published high quality printed readings such as tabloid Genie, tabloid Mom & Kiddie, and Just For Kids Magazine that provide advance information relating to the entertainment world and info related family. Global Mediacom is the largest and the only integrated media, broadcasting, entertainment and telecommunication group in Indonesia with operations that encompass content production, content distribution, television and radio broadcasting, newspaper, magazine, tabloids, telecommunication operator, mobile content aggregrator, value added services provider, and IT system integrator. In addition, the Group also holds a portfolio of investments that can be converted into financial resources for immediate and future expansions

PT Geotech System Indonesia

PT Geotech System Indonesia ("Geotech")was founded in 2003 by a group of professionals in the oil and gas industry. The synergy of these professionals made a distinct impact to the swift development of the company and made it the major Information Technology (IT) solutions provider for numerous oil and gas companies. In addition to providing the total solutions for hardware and software in the oil and gas industry, we have expanded into telecommunications industry, finance and banking, manufacturing, and education sector. We are seeking professionals with proven track records to join our successful team within a rapidly growing business environment and opportunities.